Charity Quilt Update/May Events

It was great to see everyone at sew night last Saturday, great sewing, fun friends, oh, and fantastic NACHOS!  Also, the Ronald McDonald House Charity quilt top made its debut at the sew night!

RMHC Quilt Top

It's lookin' good, again, great job guild members!!  It's now at the longarmer's for quilting and will be given to the Ronald McDonald House in May for their SK Ball and Auction.  We hope this will do well for them at the auction.  It's a twin size quilt and will look fantastic as an oversize throw, in a child's room or at the end of a bed.

Meeting Time!

Please join us in May for our guild business meeting, new members are always welcome.  The name tag kits should be ready and maybe we can talk about some merchandising, aka, fun things for our members to purchase.  See you then!
