August News and Events

It's hard to believe Summer is coming to an end and our last sew day of the Summer season is Saturday August 17th from 10am to 4pm at the Associated Industries building, 1206 N Lincoln St, Ste 200, 9920.  This sew day we are asking members to bring summer salads to share for our lunch buffet.

We are now selling raffle tickets and are looking for some venues to sell tickets.  Unfortunately we will not be able to have our quilt and sell tickets at the Washington State Quilters show this year so if you have an event and/or location no more than 2 hours from Spokane you'd like to suggest to the guild for selling raffle tickets please contact us at:

Don't fret, even though we won't have a booth at the WSQ show we are still entering our mini quilt from this year's challenge.  If you intend to enter a mini for the show the deadline is August 11th!  Please click on the link below:

Please enter your quilt in the Modern category with the title: Inland Northwest Modern Quilt Guild Challenge and the following description: 2019 Inland Northwest Modern Quilt Guild Mini Quilt Challenge features improv piecing, Kona color of the year, Splashm one neutral, Kona Quicksilver and a color family of the maker's choice.  If you are still uncertain please review the screen shots below from the online entry form.

Screen 1:

Screen 2:

Screen 3:

Screen 4:

Screen 5:
